Paper Bags
Check out our economical paper bags in twisted handle, flat handle and cord handle. Available in various colors such as white kraft among others. Bags for commerce, pharmacy, bakery and take way. Possibility of customization. All bags are recyclable and environmentally friendly.
Cotton Cords
Paper bags with cord handle in various colors and formats, economical
Twisted Handle
Paper bags with twisted handle in Kraft other colors and various formats, economicalBolsas de papel con asa retorcida en Kraft otros colores y varios formatos, económicas
No handle
Affordable Kraft Wingless Paper Bags in Various Formats
Punched Handle
Kraft paper bags of various formats, economical with hollow handle
Paper sachets
Paper sachets in Kraft and white Kraft, Sachets suitable for bakery, pharmacy, silverware or take away.
100% recyclable and environmentally friendly sachets